The Travailing Women (Lois and Eunice)
Text: 2 Timothy 1:1-5
us look at the Bible definition of travailing found in John
I say unto you, that ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall
rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned
into joy. A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her
hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she
remembered no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the
world. And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again and
your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you”
to our Lord’s explanation on the travailing period, the Lord
compared the period or process of bearing pain to bring forth, but
the joy of bear forth surpassed the pain process. In other words,
means, Endurable Pain for an end result of Joy; Travailing is a
manifestation of the grief of the heart for the Joy of the Lord.
morning let us look at the seed that was in the lives of these two
women that travailed and also explore on their end product to lead us
to pray for our own lives. Brother Timothy’s grandmother
(Lois) and his mother (Eunice) they were both Jewesses.
Grandmother (Lois) first believed in Jesus Christ in her own time.
Let us examine the time of Mama Lois in Israel, was such a hostile
time for Jew to believe in Jesus. The bible says in John 1:11
“He came unto his own, and his own received him not”.
Lois travailed to believe in Resurrection Jesus. Possibly, she
singled herself out in her community to follow the way of the Lord.
Let us imagine what her experience could be when every other person
in her local temples/communities/families rejected our Lord Jesus
Christ. Mama Lois travailed and held on to her faith in Christ even
when she was the only one. Possibly, she narrowly escaped the hands
of our Bro Saul when he was persecuting the believers.
the face of death and strong persecution Mama Lois travailed to
held-on to her faith in Christ Jesus and not allowed fear to take it
away from her. She did not allow anything to separate her love for
the Lord. She also laboured to pass on her faith and love to
Christ unto her daughter Eunice. Praise thy Lord Hallelujah!
Eunice grew into the faith in Christ Jesus as she followed the
footstep of her mother. She gladly personally received and believed
without any shadow of doubt hence she also passed it on to her Son
(Timothy). She also laboured to teach Timothy the Holy Scripture from
the childhood stage according to the record in the (2 Timothy
Eunice also faced her own challenge in raising Timothy in the way of
the Lord. Mama Eunice married a Greek Man and he was an unbeliever as
stated in the book of (Act 16:1-3). I don’t think we can
imagine the situation and the challenges that Mama Eunice faced to
raise Timothy, we cannot.
one thing was sure is that she travailed not given up to these
challenges in her household to an extend that when Brother Paul met
Timothy and heard of the travailing history of his grandmother
(Lois), mother (Eunice) and in Timothy, how this family have
responded to the love of Christ he named their faith as
“Unfeigned-Faith” for those of us at the Sanctuary Church on
Sunday 26/3/17 when we looked at other bible versions called their
faiths as: Sincere-faith/Honest faith/True faith/Endurable
faith/Authentic faith (2 Timothy: 5). They remained
focus and unshakeable in any situations they faced or found
I was pondering on this scripture, the Holy Spirit called their faith
to me as a “Living-Faith” and I asked how someone could have a
living-faith. Then it was explained to me that they believed on
Living-God that changes’ not in any situations He ever remains
believed in the Person of Jesus Christ that lives forever more and
they laboured to build a living stone as they passed on this faith to
their generations hence their faith lives after them for evermore.
They stood firmly on who they believed. Unlike many of us that our
faith based on testimonies of what God does for us and how the Lord
has helped us in the past. Sometimes we are like our Father Jacob
with “unconditional-faith” seeking God for our selfish interest,
not mindful things of God (Gen 28:10-22). Faith is the vision
of the heart; it sees God in the dark as well as in the day.
Let personally examine the state of your faith in Christ Jesus, how is your faith: ‘living-transferable faith’ or ‘dying-shaking faith’/unconditional faith. Let pray for God to help us as it’s not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of God said the Lord of hosts (Zach 4:6). Christian faith is based on the fact of RESURRECTION and is not based upon opinions.
(1 Cor 15:12-19) Let ask the Holy-Spirit to rekindle the fire of this kind of unfeigned-faith in us for without it the bible says no one can please God (Heb 11:6). It takes a Supernatural faith given by God to travail through (2 Peter 1:1).
Let us pray to the Lord to help us to spend time studying the word of God as is the only means that we can obtained a such faith like our Mama Lois and Eunice ( Roman 10:17). Let pray to God to deliver us from the mass destruction weapon of busyness in our own time and help us to settle at His feet like Mary.
These women that we examined Mama Lois and Mama Eunice have active working Faith as they travailed in the life of their children. They were deliberate in their action to pass on their faith which brought a result that we are reading about today in the book of Timothy.
Characteristic of the travailed woman, they did not major on the minor as we read about Mama Eunice; as a Jew person and according to the law of circumcision she supposed to do on Timothy, but the bible says he was Paul took Timothy and circumcised him (Acts 16:3). I wander why the mother Eunice did not follow the law of circumcision on Timothy, possibly because her husband was a Greek man and maybe he did not allow the mother. However, this woman did not leave the major to focus on the minor issue of circumcision rather she travailed on the major circumcision of the heart of her son Timothy.
Let us pray that Holy Spirit to help us to travail on the major issue of the circumcision of our hearts and of our seeds till Christ is form in us together, deeply rooted in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ not to major on the minor issues: what we eat/clothes to wear/bills to pay/house to build, but to seek the Kingdom of God first with all his righteousness. Amen!
The book of (James 2:14-26) talked about our faith and works. Let us pray for power of Holy Spirit to inspire us and gives us burden over our family/church/nation of the world for the kingdom of God (Isaiah 66:8) promised us that we shall bring forth when we travail in prayer.
Let us pray for Grace to patiently travail till Christ is born in the lives of our young ones/in our churches/nations of the world in Jesus mighty name we pray Amen!.
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